Loss Control for Underwriters

Claims have been rising over last 5 years due to growing risk exposures and natural catastrophes that are approaching all-time highs. Underwriters are now focusing on preventable losses driven by more accurate underwriting if they hope to maintain, let alone improve Loss Ratios.

Price Premiums Better

Price premiums more accurately and more quickly with real time risk exposure data.

Improve Loss Ratios

Connect with 100% of your insureds to identify more exposures and risk sooner, to prevent claims and reduce their severity.

Create Operational Efficiencies

Automate often-repeated tasks and processes to create and assign tasks between underwriting and loss control and get real time updates.

"Insurers are looking for ways to not only improve [customer] experience, but also reduce costs, streamline the processes, and use the resulting data more effectively."


"Increased levels of automation are helping insurers address staffing challenges and the ability to scale, while improving turnaround time, customer satisfaction, and better outcomes in general."

Download the Flyer below for additional details, or learn more about
RCT RiskHub here.

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