RCT Virtual

RCT Virtual

RCT Virtual allows insurers to provide risk control assessments and collect data remotely through secure live video consultations and virtual workflows. The platform helps to increase customer engagements while adding additional flexibility to the risk management toolbox. RCT Virtual is a no-code solution that requires no application installation or technical expertise, and policyholders do not need to login or undergo training in order to ensure high user adoption.

Video & Photo Collection

Offer insureds service options that fit both their needs and yours. Provide live video assessments while guiding policyholders via audio and screen annotations, or collect photo and video uploads at their convenience.

Economical Engagement

Engage more insureds in a cost effective manner. Economically service low premium accounts, remote locations and straightforward risks, while providing additional touchpoints to high premium and complex customers.

Increased Data Availability

Increase the collection and availability of risk data for analytics, underwriting, and risk improvement planning. Gather information in situations where traditional and in-person approaches are unfeasible or unnecessary.

RCT Cloud
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What Clients are Saying

Mitch Sharpe - Western National Insurance
With RCT Since 2014

"At Western National we really value our partnerships with our agents and policyholders, and RCT fit right into that"

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